Teacher Seminars
We teach our Teachers!
Training is required to provide the new MYC® teacher with hands-on techniques and ideas for planning and delivering successful lessons. The child-friendly materials alone cannot relate the excitement and appropriateness of the developmental nature of activities applied to each age level in the MYC program.
Our multi-level training seminars are conducted over time to ensure that teacher not only learns the MYC Method, but is successfully teaching it, to be able to apply both knowledge and experience in the next level of training.
New Teacher Training
Sunrise Only Seminar
Sunrise Only training is completed over 1 day. Sunrise training lays the foundation of the teacher’s knowledge and ability to understand, teach and apply the MYC Method, covering MYC specific pre-teaching techniques, and MYC Sunrise Rhythm Teddies. We provide and guide teachers with marketing and advertising materials as well as provide support in business planning.
Training Fee: $125 CDN/US
Materials: $350* CDN + tax, (valued at over $475)
$325* US (valued at over $400)
*This includes a one-year membership ($120 + tax CDN/year or $90 US/year)
Level 1 Seminar
Level 1 training is completed over 4-5 days (either consecutively or broken over two, two day groups). Level 1 training lays the foundation of the teacher’s knowledge and ability to understand, teach and apply the MYC Method, covering MYC specific pre-teaching techniques, MYC Critters (keyboard and rhythm) and lesson planning. All entry points of the program (Sunrise, Sunshine 1, Sunbeams 1 and Moonbeams 1/MY Choice 1) are covered/taught. We provide and guide teachers with marketing and advertising materials as well as provide support in business planning.
Training Fee: $500 CDN/US
Materials: $825* CDN + tax, (valued at over $1150)
$695* US (valued at over $1000)
*This includes a one-year membership ($96 + tax CDN/year or $54 US/year)
Level 2 Seminar
Teachers can attend this 3-day seminar again either live, or online (live). This is a continuation of the teacher’s foundation started in their Level 1 training – covering the next levels of the program (Sunshine 2, Sunbeams 2 and Moonbeams 2). To be able to take this training seminar, the teacher must have successfully taught at least one entry-point level of the program and have had satisfactory (or above teacher evaluations).
Training Fee: $375 CDN/US
Materials: $595 + tax CDN / $525 US
Level 3 Seminar
This 2-3 day seminar is open to teachers who have been successfully teaching the level 2 programs (Sunshine 2, Sunbeams 2 and/or Moonbeams 2). Again, this training seminar, as like the MYC Method itself, continues to build the final layers and stages of the teacher’s foundation of knowledge and ability to teach MYC covering the Sunbeams 3 and Moonbeams 3 curriculum. Teachers are also guided through how MYC connects the students with accredited conservatory material (RCM, CC, ABRSM) for preparation of their first piano practical and theory exams.
Training Fee: $250 CDN/US
Materials: $495 + tax CDN / $425 US
Where is Training Available?
Live seminars are scheduled in various locations across North America and Asia, meeting the needs and demand of eager teachers wanting to train. The seminars are sometimes conducted in successful commercial MYC studios where possible so as to provide the new teacher with a "real-life" teaching perspective and feel. If an area studio is not available for a training environment, then training happens in another appropriate, professional environment (ex: hotel).
Call 1-800-561-1MYC (Toll Free in Canada and US) for a seminar near you or email: [email protected]
Click below for a Sample Level One Seminar Agenda for Teachers
Level 2 and 3 training seminars are scheduled depending on current Level 1 teacher’s availability and completion of teaching Level 1 classes. The International Director will work with all teachers in their region to ensure that training is provided when needed.
Seminars Dates 2025
Full Level 1 - May 20, 21 & 27, 28
Sunrise Only training - March 19
At this time all seminars will take place online unless there is a specific location indicated.