Game Pack Download- Sunbeams 1


Downloadable Game Pack for SB1. Includes the following 5 printable game templates:

  • Rhythm Train (practice counting beats and experiment with rhythms and time signatures)
  • Par-choosi (race-to-the-finish game that reviews patterns and critters)
  • Playing Catch (Identify note names, patterns, rhythms and other terms from SB1)
  • Flying Feathers (reviews rhythms, critters and keyboard locations)
  • Wormy Apples (matching game to review letters, critters and keyboard locations)

**Once your order is processed, an email confirmation will be sent to your inbox containing the link to download.  Please note:  This product can only be downloaded once. There is a 30 day window to download from date of purchase. 

SKU: SB1GP Categories: , ,

229 in stock



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