New Classes Starting in January, 2021

Do you want to give the gift of music lessons to a loved one?

Are you looking for an activity you can do WITH your child?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions then a Music for Young Children (MYC®) class is just what you are looking for!

MYC teachers have been online since the beginning of the pandemic and continue to offer fun and interactive classes. Currently classes are being offered online, in person and social distanced or a combination of both in accordance with regional health guidelines.

Since 1980, MYC has been introducing children to the world of music through a multi-sensory approach that meets a child’s learning style and needs. MYC’s curriculum was created to build and sustain a firm foundation in music education, appreciation and performance for young children.

Click on your region to see to see a list and links to the MYC Teachers that are offering classes starting in January 2021. If you don't see a teacher in your area, please reach out to us at


  1. Roberta

    Are there any classes starting in January for a 13 & 11 year old in Calgary?

  2. Seraphina

    I live in Halifax Nova Scotia. I am currently a music teacher who teaches piano, voice, Ukulele, music theory, etc. and I am very interested in infant music. I want to study MYC teacher’s course, what should I do?

  3. Pooja

    Hello, is there any classes in Brossard QC

  4. Jamie

    Hello, do you have any classes in Winnipeg Manitoba starting this month in January?

    Thank you

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