MYC Grad Earns Top Marks

Her Secret? Lots of Practice

Alisha Dhillon, MYC graduate and student of MYC teacher Claudia Muir, of Chilliwack, BC, recently earned First Class Honours with Distinction with a score of 95% on her Grade 3 Conservatory Canada piano exam. We spoke to Alisha, her teacher and her parents to find out how MYC contributed to her success.

Congratulations on your stellar level 3 mark of 95%! What does it take to get such a great score? What aspects of MYC have helped you in piano performance and study today as a Level 3 Conservatory Canada student?

I got a great score by practicing 25 - 30 minutes a day, every day.  I got help from my older sisters. I really like playing the piano. MYC encouraged me to practice a lot with all the prizes and the musical games we played in class and the 60 second club challenge. I enjoyed MYC with Mrs. Muir. She made it fun.

Alisha's parents:
How did you hear about MYC and what drew you to choose MYC for all of your children?
How does having a solid foundation in music impact your children's lives outside of music study?

I tried private lessons for my oldest child, but I had a hard time encouraging her to practice and she didn't seem interested. Doing more research, I decided to try group lessons through MYC, which I found advertised in the local newspaper. She seemed to enjoy practicing and going to lessons because other aspects, such as musical theory and rhythm ensemble, were incorporated in the program. This made the classes interesting and fun. My oldest child appreciated going to MYC and I found it covered a wide variety of material, therefore I chose to continue MYC for the rest of my kids. Music taught my kids to be confident with learning new concepts. It also taught them that part of learning involves making mistakes and practicing to fix their mistakes. Practice makes perfect.

Teacher, Claudia:
In what way did MYC contribute to the success of Alisha's latest exam?
Alisha learned so much in MYC that helped her. The technique toolbox exercises prepared her for so many of the skills needed to play her pieces well. Also for her scales (and other technical skills) she was so confident as she had been playing so many of them right from the beginning of her lessons in Sunbeams 1.

What are your thoughts on the Dhillon family's commitment to learning music?
I don't think I have ever had a family more committed to learning music. There are 4 girls in this family and I have had the pleasure of seeing them all through the complete MYC program. The youngest just completed Moonbeams 3 this year. They all have practiced 7 days a week and I don't believe they ever missed a lesson. But more importantly they came to class happy and ready to learn more and took such pride in their accomplishments. At festivals adjudicators would often comment on how the girls were always smiling when they played. I no longer teach the older two girls but at this year’s recital one of them volunteered to get up and play for us. They really do enjoy playing and sharing their music!

Does music put a smile on your child’s face? Find out more about our program and find a teacher near you.



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