Composition Festival Art Contest: Winners Announced

This year we received over 500 pieces of student artwork from children ages 3 and up, depicting what they love about their MYC classes! We saw lots of colour, Critters, pianos, music notation, and happy children throughout the artwork.

The winners were decided in an online vote which was open to the public for two weeks in February. Two of the winners will have their artwork featured on two of MYC's publications (the Student Activity Book Level 1 and Level 2) and one will be featured on the Sticker that every child receives after sending in their musical composition.

The Winners are:

Student Activity Book Level 1 - Tan Sze Ying (Singapore)
















Student Activity Book Level 2 - Griffen Stymiest (Canada)















Sticker (to be received by all student composers) - Eezen Lim (Malaysia)

Congratulations to all! The Composition Festival will begins March 9th. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming days!

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