35th Annual International Composition Festival Winners!


After two weeks of careful reviewing, 32 Regional Decisions and 1 Final Livestreamed International Decisions event, we are pleased to announce this year's winners!


Sunshine 1
1st - Isabel Tso (Singapore) - Butterfly Fly So High
2nd - Alain Camiré (QB) - Camions!
3rd - Claire Kwochka (SK) - Little Groundhog
4th - Hudson Schwenk (OH) - Tennessee With Grandpa

Sunshine 2
1st - Lydia Hu (OH) - Sunshine
2nd - Averie Liang (BC) - I Love Sunshine
3rd - Marcus Droppert (ON) - Grandpa's Pond
4th - Sophie Lim Xuan Ting (Singapore) - Dear Papa

Sunbeams 1
1st - Marcel Schmitz (OH) - Blue Bandits
2nd - Lochan Sidhu (ON) - Path to the Cup
3rd - Raphaelle Micaela Yen En Yi (Singapore) - Happy Feelings
4th - Kathryn Ann Bolan (AB) - Night Time

Sunbeams 2
1st - Clarissa Ooi (Singapore) - Shadows
2nd - Evelyn Chen (BC) - The Rainy Day
3rd - Chandler Carr (OH) - Shipwreck
4th - Elliot Taylor (NS) - Flower Garden

Sunbeams 3
1st - Elsa Pomonti (Singapore) - Covid Be Gone
2nd - Camille Desmarais (AB) - Stella's Song
3rd - Meesha Raza (OH) - Midnight Breeze
4th- Eric Penner (ON) - Garden Trolls

Moonbeams 1
1st - Mark Munteneau (AB) - Haunted House
2nd - Celine Prygiel (ON) - Sister's Love
3rd - Aida Mei Malayapillay (Singapore) - A Hop in the Garden
4th - Ishanvi Dodla (CA) - Falling Snow

Moonbeams 2
1st - Josiah Lathrop (CA) - A Pirate's Tale
2nd - Charity Arbeau (NB) - The Merrily Grasshopper
3rd - Emma Jane Lysak (MB) - Climbing Up

Moonbeams 3
1st - Hudson Heikoop (ON) - Sandy Sea Shore
2nd - Sophie LeComte (MB) - Night Light
3rd - Tee Zhong Xuen (Malaysia) - Turtle dy Botae
4th - Bryson Mueller (OH) - Quite the Contrary

Click on the song title to see each talented Composer's work in writing! And below you will find performances of all the First Place International Winners. Enjoy these incredible songs as interpreted by performer and MYC Coordinator Roxanne McGahey.

You can also see all of above songs performed by visiting our Facebook Livestream recording from March 18, 2022.

1st Place Sunshine 1 - Butterfly Fly So High by Isabel Tso


1st Place Sunshine 2 - Sunshine by Lydia Hu


1st Place Sunbeams 1 - Blue Bandits by Marcel Schmitz


1st Place Sunbeams 2 - Shadows by Clarissa Ooi


1st Place Sunbeams 3 - Covid Be Gone by Elsa Pomonti


1st Place Moonbeams 1 - Haunted House by Mark Munteneau


1st Place Moonbeams 2 - A Pirate's Tale by Josiah Lathrop


1st Place Moonbeams 3 - Sandy Sea Shore by Hudson Heikoop


Founder of MYC, Frances Balodis, was present again this year as the Composition Festival Chairperson. In her role she would not only review several pieces, but also oversaw all of the Regional Decisions. "I enjoy playing and listening to the compositions. I am always amazed by what the students write – whether they are 3 years of age or 11 years of age."

Sometimes a song's title can give you a hint about what the song will sound like, and sometimes they're very entertaining on their own. Below are a just a few of our favorite titles we received. There are just too many to list!

MYC is especially grateful to all of the reviewers, who are all MYC teachers themselves (active or retired) and who are on the receiving end of so many students' hard work and creativity. Many remarked at the International Decisions how difficult it was to rank the songs. We also had two reviewers who let everyone see "a day in the life" through their own social channels. Dan Tremblay and Carrie Bailey's Vlogs can be seen below.


Finally, MYC wants to give a big Thank You to our Sponsors, Roland Canada and Coba Print Studios. Your support plays a key role in keeping this festival going, and we always enjoy working with you!


Is your child interested in music and composing?

Take a moment to discover our curriculum, then find a teacher near you! You never know - maybe one day they will be recognized in the Composition Festival!


  1. Frances Balodis

    Wow – all of this information is amazing…and it’s posted so quickly. Thank you for sharing this. Congratulations.

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