32nd Annual International Composition Festival

KANATA - March 22, 2019

From January to March, 2019, compositions were submitted by over 5,500 Music for Young Children students for the 32nd Annual International Composition Festival. MYC students from Canada, the U.S., Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam took part. During the week of March 4th-8th, compositions were judged within their level in four different regions – Western Canada (BC, AB, SK, YK, NT, MB), Eastern Canada (ON, PQ, NS, NB, PEI, NF), United States & Asia (South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam). The eight first place (eight different age levels) International winners each receive $250.  Keep reading to see the full list of winners at the bottom of this article!

With the guidance of skilled teachers, children put a lot of effort into their compositions, including writing it out in full. "I could tell how much fine motor control was required to actually write those compositions so they could be shared with us!"  Frances Balodis, MYC Composition Chairperson and founder of Music for Young Children, noted. "Some compositions have dynamic markings, some have articulation guidance, some have fingering." Even children as young as 3, in our Sunshine 1 program, are writing out their song with Critter stickers. All of the reviewers are MYC teachers, because "It takes special reviewers for MYC compositions! Those critters are unique!"

In order to be considered a finalist, a song must be played and heard by a minimum of 3 reviewers. As Mrs. Balodis explains, "When the reviewers play the compositions, sometimes they play the composition as many as three or four times - to really understand how the composition is composed. Then the reviewer puts their personal colour "check-mark" on it, and it is passed on to another reviewer who does the same thing. Then on to another reviewer. These compositions are given careful consideration! Because so much work was put into the composition, great consideration is given to the compositions at the Festival."

Speaking of unique, there were so many creative titles submitted. Songs about Popcorn, Pets, Family, Hockey, Snow and Snow Days.  The weather in general was very popular this year! There were even songs about Sushi, Sheep, Unicorns, Jedis, Yetis, Nutella, Legos, Volcanoes, the Ocean, and more. Many songs also included some of the student's artwork to go along with their tune.

Even though the composition festival is over, Mrs. Balodis believes that these students are only getting started. Her message to students? "I do hope you will keep composing. Keep a little notebook of your special songs. It is a great way to express how you’re feeling as the days and months go by. You can watch how your composing ideas grow and develop!"

Every student who submits a composition, regardless of whether they place or not, receives a special Composition Festival sticker to recognize their achievement. The printing of the Composition Festival sticker is proudly sponsored by Trico Evoution.

Our long time sponsor, Roland Canada, provided five Roland FP-10 digital pianos for the Festival. The reviewers enjoyed using these fine instruments and we at MYC are proud to be affiliated with Roland as they continue to demonstrate their dedication to music education.

We greatly appreciate and recognize our generous sponsors Roland Canada and TRICO Evolution.

Music for Young Children is taught to 24,000 students annually across Canada, the United States, New Zealand, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia. We are looking forward to our 40th year in business in March, 2020! For more information phone 1-800-561-1MYC (1692) or visit www.myc.com.


Here are the Winners of the 2019 International Composition Festival

(Click the title to see the sheet music, and click play to hear the song!)

Sunshine 1

1st - Humming Bird by Nihansa Ratnayaka  ♪ Listen ♪

2nd - Dancing by Ng Yu Wen Arwen  ♪ Listen ♪

3rd - Penguins by Janani Keshav  ♪ Listen ♪

4th - Super Hard Sheep Riding by River Koster ♪ Listen ♪

Sunshine 2

1st - Roller Coaster Fun by Nadia Murthy  ♪ Listen ♪

2nd - Yummy Ice Cream by Kylie Kouch  ♪ Listen ♪

3rd - Watch Us Grow by Noah Pinto  ♪ Listen ♪

4th - Sunrise, Sunset by Bryson Mueller  ♪ Listen ♪

Sunbeams 1

1st - Candy Land by Eva Maria Kokkoros  ♪ Listen ♪

2nd - The Crying Turtle by Simone Penner  ♪ Listen ♪

3rd - Bunny Dress by La Man Jun  ♪ Listen ♪

4th - Food by Reed Mullins  ♪ Listen ♪

Sunbeams 2

1st - Teddy Bear Lullaby by Emma Mitchell  ♪ Listen ♪

2nd - Shark Attack by Liam Schwenk    ♪ Listen ♪

3rd - Swans in the Sunset by Nadia Arun Murthy  ♪ Listen ♪

4th - Une valse pour maman by Joshua Giles  ♪ Listen ♪

Sunbeams 3

1st - Sparkling Rivers by Emmerson DeNure  ♪ Listen ♪

2nd - My Happy Fat Cat by Tan Yi Row  ♪ Listen ♪

3rd - The Gremlin's Airplane Party by Lukas Wiebe  ♪ Listen ♪

4th - Unicorn by Agatha Leatherwood  ♪ Listen ♪

Moonbeams 1

1st - Good Times and Bad by Connway Ingram  ♪ Listen ♪

2nd - Tip Tap by Madison Wong  ♪ Listen ♪

3rd - Ohio Winter by Isaac Parton  ♪ Listen ♪

4th - My Family by Vanessa Hi  ♪ Listen ♪

Moonbeams 2

1st - Dancing Villagers by Nguyen Thien Hai An  ♪ Listen ♪

2nd - Almost There by Pierce Lane  ♪ Listen ♪

3rd - The Ocean Ball by Emeline Lo  ♪ Listen ♪

4th - Ocean Waves by Asher Heinen  ♪ Listen ♪

Moonbeams 3

1st - Goodbye Moonbeams III by Sachin Arun Murthy  ♪ Listen ♪

2nd - I Love to Skate by Alyssa Letourneau  ♪ Listen ♪

3rd - Eel-ectric by Reinhardt Marais  ♪ Listen ♪

4th - Sea Shore by Rand Mavrinac  ♪ Listen ♪

Congratulations to Students, Parents and Teachers on another year of composing!

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