Fredericton, NB
I love to teach children because they have such a huge desire to learn new things. When children are put in a fun and exciting environment where they are learning something that they truly enjoy, such as music, they grasp everything they can of what they're being taught. Their enthusiasm rubs off on everyone around them. That's why I love teaching MYC®
My goal as a teacher is to keep improving myself. I would like for each of my students to really enjoy me as a teacher. Being there for them and showing them that I care about their music career is so important and I want to continue that goal throughout my whole music career.
I started taking Piano Lessons at 5 yrs of age so it has been a huge part of my life. I have many years in teaching both Private Piano/Theory and the MYC curriculum.
Music for Young Children Certification (MYCC)
Grade 9 Piano with distinction
Gr 2 Rudiments - first class honors with distinction
Ultimate Music Theory Teachers Certification (UMTC)
Member of the FMTA (Fredericton Music Teachers Assoc)
Levels Taught
- Sunbeams 1
- Sunbeams 2
- Moonbeams 1
- Moonbeams 2
- Moonbeams 3
Rates and Prices
If you would like more info about any of the programs I teach, please visit my website. - Included is both an online registration form plus my policy.
Other (Policies, descriptions)
Studio Address and Contact
397 Canada Street, Fredericton
Studio location: 397 Canada St., Fredericton, NB
(approx. one kilometer from the Irving)
Time to Register - Calendar Schedule for Sept classes have been updated for 2023-2024.
Music is an important part of a child's life! As long as it is safe to do so, classes will be held in studio. Please note: class size is limited.
Please check the Calendar for days/times that I am offering. Feel free to email for more info. Thank you 🙂
The variety of instruments that everyone enjoys using in my studio are:
4 keyboards
Handbells & Stepbells
Puppets and Critters
Floor Keyboard and Staff
Many Rhythm Instruments
Studio Gallery